An almost wartime sort of atmosphere has descended on the village. With no post since Monday, we have also had shortages of bread, milk and newspapers (on Tuesday). Thankfully, normal deliveries to the supermarket soon resumed. I put the wheelie bin out more in hope than expectation (people who’ve lived here longer didn’t bother) and I will be trying the same again this week, perhaps with a better outcome.
This week, I am featuring the work of Charlotte Tollyfield, a silversmith. Charlotte is originally from Sheffield, and after studying art in Bucks, returned to Sheffield, where she is based at Persistence Works at the silversmith starter studios. I visited Charlotte during the open studios event a few weeks ago, and was impressed by some silver snowflake Christmas decorations she had made. I bought one but little did I know how fed up of snow I would soon be ….
These small silver and gold bowls also caught my eye. To create the gold finish, the parts of the silver bowl that will stay silver are coated with a resistant substance. The bowls are then electroplated, in a tank with fine particles of gold suspended in a solution all around them. This gives a smoother finish than gold leaf would.
The silversmiths have their own Facebook page at: and this link to Yorkshire Artspace is about starter studios
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