The Greenhouse has existed for many years, and had receivedEuropean grant funding until last year. Thiswas then withdrawn but after this, Paul was employed by the local council forone day a week to continue his work. Hehas applied for Arts Council funding, which has been granted subject to certainconditions. Paul gave us an update onhow things were progressing, asked us what guest speakers would be beneficialto us. It seemed that one on socialmedia and websites would, so he is hoping to organise something on these lines. The tourism officer from Bolsover Council wasalso there and told us that the Olympic torch comes to Bolsover on 29thJune, and there will be a festival for about a month after that, so there maybe the opportunity to show or promote our work. I’ve asked to be kept informed about this, as the art group wouldprobably be interested.
Among the creative people there were two artists based atthe nearby Harley Gallery (which I mentioned last week): one was a sculptor,who is planning to create a “green” wall for the District Council, ready forwhen they move offices to the old Chesterfield College site in Clowne. The other was Sarah Godfrey, who specialisesin printmaking. Above are some examplesof “monoprints” (one-off prints) produced by people taught by her, and here's a link to her site.
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